Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Big Storm

A few years ago, my daug. and her family, came to visit. They live in Tenn., and had to drive five hours to get here. This was the year we had the big ice storm. Just as they were getting off the exit ramp, the hail started, and they found a place to pull under. The carport kept the new van from getting dents. As soon as the hail stopped they went to a motel and I met them there. It was still storming, and my Son in law is afraid of storms. He wasn't afraid of storms until he came back from Iraq, must be the sound of the thunder, reminding him of the bombs going off. He was so afraid that he made the kids get in the bathtub. I guess he though they would be safer in there. My daug. and myself, got a real kick out of the whole thing. I guess that you would've had to be there to get the whole picture. Anyway, we had a good time, something I'll always remember.
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Annastasia Renee' Gomes said...

i didn't get too much of a kick out of it, unless you conider the kick from the little kids feet. but i could see from your point of view how it could be funny,

Shirley said...

Wow, those are some cute kids, lol. Stacey looks like the only one not having fun. Can't imagine why, lol.

Shirley said...

Ok, so it's time for a new post don't you think? LOL