Friday, April 18, 2008


My Granddaughter and her Dad, went out and got plaster and balloons, to do a School project. The project was to make an Anaconda. They made it out of plaster, a balloon, and newspapers, in other words, a paper mache. By the time they were done, it was so heavy that when they tried to pick it up, it broke in three places. So, my Granddaughter, decided to make it out of water, flour, & glue. My Son was done with the whole thing by this time, image that! It came out O.K. but it was taking forever to dry. Alexis had to be back @her Mom's house that night, and had to turn in the project on Monday. What to do, What to do.......... So Alexis got a bright idea! She took some brown painters' tape, and wrapped it around the balloon. She left a red tip sticking out, like a snakes' tongue, it looked really neat! Then she painted over the tape with brown and put black dots all over it. I took some photos of her working on it, but forgot to get a photo of the finished project. And me a photographer........DUH! She took it to School on Monday and guess what? She got a A on the project and a A on the report about Anacondas. In conclusion, if you ever have to do a project with paper mache, use painters' tape instead. It's not messy and it cost almost nothing to make. Believe me, no one will know the difference! As you can see, she did manage to make a mess with the paint. Oh! Well, nothing is completely fool proof with kids......DUH!
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